Mensa AG 2019

VA Horrors – Scandals & the Neglect that Kills U.S. Veterans (Room Encanto A)

04 Jul 19
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Tracks: Speaker

News reports focus on Veterans Administration scandals where administrators are routinely caught cooking the books to appear they’re well-serving vets while an even worse scandal goes unreported. Eric Gang’s new book, Betrayal of Valor, exposes VA policies of consistently ignoring psychiatric problems, including PTSD, sexual trauma, and more, from which many physical problems and social crises arise. Unemployment, addiction, divorce, homelessness, and suicide are epidemic among vets. Bureaucrats hide their heads in the sand while elected officials promise little and do nothing. The VA dismisses pleas for benefits and reform. What can we do? Author and America’s most visible veterans’ advocate Eric Gang raises questions and offers solutions. For more information, email