Mensa AG 2019

Aphrodisiacs: Forbidden Foods and Beverages (Room Deer Valley)

04 Jul 19
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Larry Canepa
The association between food and eroticism is primal, but some foods have more aphrodisiacal qualities than others. Throughout the centuries, emperors and everyday folk alike have ingested, imbibed, sprinkled, or applied almost every conceivable substance in the hope of arousing sexual desire. Whether to woo a reluctant lover, revive a flagging libido, or pique carnal pleasure and performance, lovers the world over have relied on aphrodisiacs to do the trick. But which ones have the greatest reputations for potency (and why), and do any of them really work? A sassy, informative, and delicious presentation of aphrodisiac myths and legends. For more information, visit or email