Mensa AG 2019

Harry Potter and the Rational Rebellion (Room Deer Valley)

03 Jul 19
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Rachel Kibler
The British wizarding world was an unfair place in the 1990s. The Ministry of Magic was a monolith without checks and balances, passing unreasonable laws written by bureaucrats, without elected representatives. Hogwarts also was run by teachers who rewarded and punished students seemingly arbitrarily. Harry and his friends had no choice but to rebel against an oppressive system. This talk will explore the legal structures in Harry Potter and discuss the ways the students of Hogwarts (and others) used morality as a compass rather than rules. The talk may touch on Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts, time and interest permitting. TW: Dolores Umbridge :)