UB Tech 2019

TL4 | The Cluddite Manifesto: A CIO's Map Into Education's Cloud (Room Citrus)

11 Jun 19
10:20 AM - 11:05 AM

Tracks: Technology Leadership

The public cloud promises to lead us out of the land of data centers and into a land flowing with cost savings and agility. Whether we like it or not, education CIOs who express doubt about such visions are seen as fringe luddites. Let’s embrace the concept and give it a proper moniker — we are Cloud Luddites, or Cluddites. Cluddites are not opposed to the Cloud but urge caution as we go into the promised land. This session will address the OpEx and CapEx arguments and true financial picture; security concerns and unknown challenges; issues of identity management; and how to leverage the Cloud’s vast resources. Aimed at senior leadership, this presentation will offer a number of principles to apply to your specific institution for a sensible cloud strategy.