UB Tech 2019

TL12 | Preparing for the DOE’s New Title IV Audit Cybersecurity Requirements (Room Citrus)

12 Jun 19
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM

Tracks: Technology Leadership

CIOs in all industries are working to harden their security governance practices in the face of increasing challenges and pressures from bad actors and regulations. Starting with the Fiscal Year 2018 audit cycle, the Department of Education’s annual Title IV audit will include a much closer look at institutions’ cybersecurity governance, programs, and policies. The DOE has made it clear that Title IV schools must comply with certain cybersecurity regulations, including those found in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, noting that lapses in cybersecurity could impact Title IV eligibility. Discover how to leverage affordable industry resources to conduct formal audits and identify the initiatives necessary to achieve a right-sized level of compliance. You will also learn about initiatives to work with the DOE to better define breach reporting expectations and requirements.