UB Tech 2019

TL2 | Fight the Resistance: Managing the Effects of Technology Change (Room Orange)

10 Jun 19
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Tracks: Technology Leadership

Enterprisewide technology implementations can have negative effects on individuals within an organization, leading to a loss of productivity, a loss of morale, absenteeism, and more — thereby affecting your entire organization. The nature of change often challenges the foundation principles of leadership, management, and the employees. In addition, the change implementation process inherently leads to instability first for the individual and then collectively for the organization, thus affecting the organization negatively. This instability can manifest into resistance to the change. This session will explore the reasons why individuals within an organization resist technology change and how it can manifest across the entire organization. Real, practical tools and techniques to mitigate the effects of technology change within the organization will also be covered.