UB Tech 2019

AV7 | 1,000+ Classrooms Governed by Managed System With Simplicity and Reliability (Room Citrus)

Lone Star College (LSC) developed a holistic approach across 10 campuses and 1,000+ classrooms — combining formal internal standards with human factors and innovative technology — to make AV consistent, reliable, and cost-effective. Learn how LSC built one of the largest, most user-friendly, highly reliable, and pervasive AV systems among higher learning institutions. Evolving through three major learning cycles over the course of a decade, the AV plant at LSC has standardized a holistic approach to deploying simple and reliable AV systems. You’ll learn how the development of a classroom standard helped transition human factors from tech support to staff support and developed a supportive AV ecosystem that leads to predictable sustainable results. Take advantage of Lone Star College’s cycles of learning, and find out how you can implement similar successes.