UB Tech 2019

AC1 | How to Develop a Makerspace that Supports a Thriving STEM Ecosystem (Room Manatee)

10 Jun 19
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Active Classroom

Learn how to establish a full-scale fabrication lab (fab lab) and develop programming that gives students hands-on skills in engineering and technology. Research shows experiential learning in the lab attracts and retains students in STEM fields, even through tough science and math coursework. Discover how universities and community colleges are incorporating lessons that range from programming Arduino and Raspberry Pi to CAD and rapid prototyping into a single hands-on engineering course where students design, build, and fly their own drones. See how colleges are leveraging their fab labs for high-impact summer programs with high school girls in STEM. You’ll leave with concrete steps to build your own innovation center that features a fab lab, and to create the programming around it that supports a thriving STEM ecosystem in your community.