UB Tech 2019

PS2 | Meeting University Challenges in the 4th Industrial Revolution (Breakfast Provided) (Room Columbia)

Today’s University Leaders are tasked to ensure technologies they adapt for their “Campus of the Future” will positively impact their academic world. We encourage Presidents, Provosts, Chancellors or CAO/CIO/CTOs to join us and examine how, today’s latest technologies can address real-life trends impacting perspective students, faculty and the institution – as a whole.  
• What is the 4th Industrial Revolution? Are you prepared for this economic generation?
• How additive manufacturing (3D print) will transform engineering, manufacturing and business. 
• Examine the power of eXtended Reality (XR) for creative design and situational learning. 
• Learn about innovations in scalable and effective online virtual classrooms.
• Why device security remains the most overlooked vulnerability.