BOMA 2019

STOP Carrying Your Tenants or Issues Home With You! (Room Salt Palace, Room 251B)

24 Jun 19
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Leadership, Career and Talent Development

Attendees will learn strategies to calm reactions to difficult tenants so it is easier to deescalate challenges, communicate effectively, problem solve and stop carrying the tenant or issues home. As an RN and a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Rene will present a science based session that will teach practical techniques to release or transform negative patterns and retrain the brain. These skills will help reduce the stress response, interrupt mind spinning so it is easy to "let it go" in order to gain peace of mind. Each attendee will leave feeling confident they will be able to set healthy boundaries and sleep again without feeling like the tenants have crawled into bed with them.