VenueConnect 2019

Connecting Research and Practice 2019: The Power of Academic Research and VenueDataSource (Room MPCC - North Building - Level 2 - N231)

Information allows businesses to make informed decisions. This session illuminates current applied academic research being conducted by collegiate faculty, as well as IAVM’s Venue Data Source research and findings.

Part I: Do Different Venue Characteristics Determine the Use and Perceptions of Social Media  
Phillip Rothschild, Ph.D., Missouri State University

This session will dig a little deeper on the recent survey of venue marketing professionals and answer questions like: Do venues with higher levels of activity (number of events) use social media differently or feel differently about the future of social media? Do certain types of venues use interns, or outsource their social media more than other types of venues? Does the size of the venue matter, or is it the activity level that dictates commitment to social media marketing? 

Part II: Venue Data Source - An updated and expanded study of university venues based on the responses of IAVM members.
Lawrence Henley, University of Nevada, Las Vegas