2019 Mississippi IDeA Conference

A25 Hannah Harris (Room Grand Ballroom C)

02 Aug 19
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

In Vivo Neuropharmacology Core

Hannah M Harris, Kate Boyet, Jessica P Marshall, Cammi Thornton, Nicole M Ashpole

University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS

The University of Mississippi Neuropharmacology Core facility is dedicated to testing the effects of natural products and other potential neuromodulators in vitro and in vivo. Our in vivo assays include rodent models of pain/nociception, anxiety, locomotion, abuse liability, depression, and measurements of learning and memory. We also have fish assays for genetic and PTZ-induced epilepsy as well as developmental toxicity. This fee-for-service core is funded by the COBRE-Natural Products Neuroscience P30-GM122733.