2019 Fall Dealer Market

BrandBase User Retail Panel (Room Learning Center C)

23 Aug 19
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tracks: Brand Building Clinic, General Session

Moderator(s): Erin Kelley, Orgill

BrandBase is an integrated marketing software that allows you to develop marketing materials using Orgill SKUs, as well as your own uploaded products and images. This easy-to-use, drop-and-drag design tool can be used to create circulars, flyers, shelf-talkers, digital posts, and eBlasts.

In this session, attendees will get a chance to hear from other retailers using BrandBase as an integrated marketing tool. We will take a look at the various documents they’ve created and how they distribute things like circulars and flyers. As well as how these materials are being shared digitally.