Resource and Project Energy Assessment 2019

A Holistic Approach to the Digitalization of Wind Energy

10 Sep 19
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: Data Science and Digitalization

The wind industry has already made progress digitalizing specific segments of the wind energy lifecycle. But, much remains to be done to reduce lifecycle costs, enhance asset performance and effectively integrate wind energy into evolving energy grids and markets. That further work includes comprehensive consideration of the risks associated with security, privacy, and economic disruption. A group of digitalization thought leaders from across the industry have banded together to propose a new IEA Wind TCP Task to approach the topic of digitalization of wind energy more holistically. They applied multiple techniques to solicit input on the scope of the proposed Task and to prioritize the work appropriately so as to deliver meaningful outcomes to the industry in a timely manner. The result is a holistic approach to the digitalization of wind energy. Audience members will come away with a refined definition of digitalization and a more nuanced understanding of how they can start implementing digitalization in their own workflows.