Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2019

e-Poster: After the ITC/PTC: New Clean Capital Acceleration Strategies for Profitable Clean Capitalism (Room Station 2)

23 Oct 19
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Tracks: Building Public, Stakeholder & Political Support

A shift in the economics of clean technologies, from unprofitable to profitable, not only drives the expiration of the ITC/PTC for wind and solar, it also means the training wheels are off. Clean tech is now legitimate, profitable capitalism. The same policies that created capitalism in the first place will now best accelerate the growth of profitable clean capitalism. Come explore a new, wide range of powerful laissez-faire "clean free market" policies, based on free trade, property rights, greater economic freedoms and supply-side tax cuts for clean free enterprise. We will explore the recent development of proposals like Clean Tax Cuts, tax exempt private clean asset bonds and loans, energy choice and clean free markets. By removing tax, trade and regulatory barriers for clean capitalism, we can incent huge international capital flows – a freedom-based carrot, not just for clean investment, but an incentive for less-than-free nations to adopt more market freedoms that allow more sustainable development. Let’s discuss a policy path that can appeal to both left and right, where capitalism not only offers uplift and prosperity, but helps save the planet.