Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2019

e-Poster: Challenges and potential solutions for Integration of offshore wind to the transmission grid (Room Station 1)

22 Oct 19
12:45 PM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: Transmission/Grid

Speaker(s): Syed Ahmed, DNV GL
For Offshore Wind (OSW) project developers, off-takers and Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs), it is important to assess the potential impact on the transmission grid for any viable OSW project development. The areas of considerations are, (a) accessibility of Point of Interconnections (POIs), (b) any major reliability issues (necessary transmission system upgrades and/or degradation of capability of major transmission interfaces) the project may impose, (c) opportunities (or hindrance) for the OSW to participate in the RTO markets (energy, capacity, ancillary services etc.), (d) offshore transmission technology (HVAC vs HVDC), (e) gen-tie (OSW projects individually connecting to grid) vs pool offshore transmission facility (PTF, share of common off/on shore structures), (f) brown site (retired or potential fossil resource sites) developments, (g) response to forced events of transmission system etc. The proposed topic presents the interconnection challenges of OSW resources to the bulk power grid. The presentation also proposes solution methods and tools in order to analyze these challenges and thereby provides potential solution options. As more and more states’ request for proposals (RFP) float to competitively acquire OSW resources to meet their ambitious RPS goals, it is important to address these gird interconnection challenges in a more comprehensive manner that is best and optimum for the off-take customers.