Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2019

e-Poster: Lidar Buoy Support for U.S. Offshore Wind Energy: Lidar Upgrade and Deep-Water Deployments (Room Station 1)

23 Oct 19
12:15 PM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Metocean

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) operates two lidar buoys as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) effort to advance the development of offshore wind energy. The buoys provide wind profiles and complementary data, including surface winds and temperature, sea surface temperature, the two-dimensional wave spectrum, and acoustic Doppler profiler current profiles. The buoys are also capable of hosting environmental sensors. This information is archived on DOE’s A2e Data Archive and Portal and is freely downloadable by industry, researchers, and the general public. The systems are currently undergoing upgrades to Leosphere v2 lidar systems, which will be validated in compliance with best practices articulated by the Carbon Trust. The systems were previously deployed off the East Coast of the U.S. Following the upgrade they will undergo their first deep-water deployments off the coasts of Northern and Central California supported by BOEM. These deployments will provide wind resource characterization over a full annual cycle in the vicinity of BOEM’s West Coast lease blocks. The data collected from the buoys will provide valuable information for industry and federal agencies as well as for several wind resource research applications, including the validation of wind resource models, understanding the behavior of the wind profile from surface to hub height, investigating wave measurements for load modeling, and subsurface impacts of air-sea interactions.