2019 Federal Identity Forum & Exposition

Expo Sponsor Thought Leadership Presentation - "Implementing Facial Recognition Programs in a Privacy Policy Driven World" (Room ID: Talks Theater (Exhibit Hall))

ID:Talks are bonus presentations in the exhibit hall and are not components of the formal agenda produced by the FedID Planning Committee.

Facial recognition has grown the last 10 years as more players have entered the space. Improvements in algorithms have allowed for the continued growth of facial recognition across many different mediums. Weather we acknowledge it or not, facial recognition is in every aspect of our lives from the way that we unlock our phones, board planes and sort our pictures online. As the technology accelerates, the potential for misuse becomes greater, even if unintentional. Given the wide reaching impacts of facial recognition, both in the present, and in the future, we must be ever more prudent and prescriptive in the way that we as deploy and implement facial recognition technologies. In this presentation, we will explore the concepts of a thoughtfully designed facial recognition implementation that is not only prescriptive, but also protects the rights and privacy of those using the systems. As law makers continue to work with vendors to craft thoughtful legislation around facial recognition, it is up to us to make sure that we are taking every step to responsibly deploy our solutions.