2019 Federal Identity Forum & Exposition

ID: Talk - "Better Identity Delivered? Where's the Evidence?" (Room ID: Talks Theater (Exhibit Hall))

25 Sep 19
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Tracks: ID: Talks

ID:Talks are bonus presentations in the exhibit hall and are not components of the formal agenda produced by the FedID Planning Committee.

The world is not short of digital identity solutions. But how does an organization know that it is procuring one that delivers on its promises and conforms to the required standards? No two assessment and assurance programs are the same even tho' some may look like it from the outside. And in many contexts (such as entitlement) digital identity cannot be siloed from the privacy-related challenges of personal data agency, attribute exchange, permissioning and delegation, with the requisite standards applying to those domains. This session will overview a range of approaches to the assessment, assurance and subsequent trust marking of digital identity products and services. Attendees will come away with an understanding of the options around conformance, the typical standards in scope and the trust framework providers operating in the domain of digital identity.