2019 Federal Identity Forum & Exposition

ID: Talk - "Digital Identity: Balancing Security & Experience" (Room ID: Talks Theater (Exhibit Hall))

25 Sep 19
12:20 PM - 12:35 PM

Tracks: ID: Talks

ID:Talks are bonus presentations in the exhibit hall and are not components of the formal agenda produced by the FedID Planning Committee.

With the pervasiveness of identity theft, the sophistication of criminal enterprises, and digital transformation, government agencies are ripe targets for identity-fraud based attacks. Even more challenging for the government is the balance they must maintain between preventing identity fraud attacks and maintaining their core missions of better serving the citizens they were designed to serve. Digital transformation can lead to profound efficiencies yet a lot of ‘user trust’ complications. Mounting concerns around cybersecurity, privacy and fraud detection are pushing CIOs, CISOs and Data Architects to tighten identity requirements and search for best practices to help verify digital identities as soon as their citizens enter their online portal or mobile app. User trust and ultimate authentication can come in many flavors, some more focused on preventing fraud, some more focused on better user experiences. Learn how you don't have to sacrifice one over the other. During this session, we will cover how government agencies are implementing digital identity intelligence with step up physical identity intelligence technologies and techniques pioneered by e-commerce and financial services industries to verify user identity, enable single sign-on and securely provide other citizen-friendly online services. This session will also:

  • Provide global insights into emerging cybercrime and digital identity-based threats from the world’s largest crowdsourced global digital identity network
  • Show you what state-of-the art digital identity practices look like and how they work
  • Explain how these capabilities can be implemented more cost-effectively than you may think
  • Give you a first-hand look at how the private sector are putting these tools to work