NWCDC 2019

ST06 | Avoiding the Collision at the Intersection of Work Comp and Mental Health (Room Innovation & Solutions Theater in Expo)

Integrated care is the addition of behavioral health to management of patient with a physical injury or illness. The integrated care model shows positive outcomes from early intervention to later treatment of chronic pain and opioid dependence/addiction and PTSD delayed recovery.

Claimants within three categories can be successfully managed within the integrated care model

  1. Claimants with no objective pain generator whose subjective complaints outweigh the objective findings
  2. Claimants with positive findings of a pain generator who can benefit from cognitive-behavioral pain management techniques for pain control and desensitization of the biopsychosocial pain magnifiers.
  3. Claimants who may be opioid dependent, addicted or drug seeking and Best Practices medical management entails tapering the opioids and polypharmacy