NWCDC 2019

IT03 | Using AI to Supercharge Your Claims Operations (Room Innovation & Solutions Theater in Expo)

The injured worker experience needs to improve dramatically. Lots has been done in the past decade but there’s a lot more that we need to do. Expectations from our injured workers have increased substantially. In their personal lives, they are exposed to phenomenal service from the likes of Amazon where response times are in sub-seconds. They expect similar service in every aspect of their lives especially the handling of traumatic experiences like workplace injuries. No longer will a huge gap between their personal experience and their work comp experience be tolerated.

In addition, competition is intensifying with the basis being highly differentiated service and cost. The winners in this new competitive landscape will be ones that do both - provide exceptional service to the injured workers while bringing down their cost structure.  

How do we compete in an environment where we need to improve our service dramatically, while reducing our cost structure?   

An incremental approach built on our current processes and tools can only take us so far. We need to think differently.  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides a new set of tools that, when combined with the right set of process changes, can help attack both these problems in parallel. It can help provide the targeted, empathetic care that our injured workers desire while improving the financials at the same time.

This presentation will go into some of the details on what AI is and how it can be (and is being) used to address these challenges.