Parker Seminars Las Vegas 2020

The Role of Spinal Dysfunction and the Effects of Spinal Adjustments on the CNS (Room Main Stage - Vendome)

08 Feb 20
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Chiropractic Principles

Dr. Heidi Haavik, a chiropractor and Ph.D. trained neurophysiologist, is one of the most popular chiropractic speakers in the world today. Director of Research at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic, Dr Haavik is best known for her ground-breaking research on the impact of chiropractic adjustments on the brain and central nervous system. What is becoming clear from scientific studies is that spinal dysfunction negatively impacts brain function, and that chiropractic adjustments can reverse this. One particular part of the brain that we now know we impact when we adjust the spine is the prefrontal cortex. This literally is the Chiropractors Dream, because the prefrontal cortex is vital for one’s intelligence, movement control, pain processing, mental health, immune system and inflammation (thus most chronic diseases)! Dr. Haavik will explain all of this to you in an easy to understand language. She will share with you a summary of where we are at today with the neurophysiological understanding of the impact of spinal function on brain function and will discuss what future implications this has for us as a profession.