HAuNTcon 2020

Micro Expressions and Body Language in Your Haunt: The Looks that Kill (Room Conference Room #4)

18 Jan 20
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Safety & Security

This interactive presentation will discuss the importance of recognizing micro-expressions and body language that can be indicators of acts of violence. This is one presentation your line actors and security won’t want to miss. Micro-expressions occur when someone is trying to suppress an emotion. Participants will be introduced to recognizing and working with fleeting non-verbal cues, and postures that give away a person’s emotional volatility and potential to do harm. Presentation Learning Objectives/Goals: 1. Participants will understand what a micro-expression is, get a brief overview of the seven expressions, and examine in detail the facial features make up four of these seven expressions. 2. Participants will begin recognizing micro-expressions and body language most likely to occur in a haunt attraction. 3. Participants will begin recognizing micro-expressions and body language that may possibly predict the potential for violence and emotionally charged actions.