HAuNTcon 2020

Making a Singing Bust Using a Smartphone, 3D Printer, and a LED Projector (Room Conference Room #3)

17 Jan 20
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Planning and Design

This seminar will walk you through the process of making a singing bust using a 3D Scanning phone app that uses photogrammetry and then using a 3D printer to print and make a mold of the actor’s face. Then using just, a smartphone camera film the bust and project onto it using a simple LED projector.  Inspired with the recent developments in 3D printing and 3D scanning software we took an old singing bust prop made with a simple female wig head with a little epoxy clay and a projector that projected a filmed actor and turned it into something that was very lifelike an realistic with just our smartphone and access to a 3D printer.