2020 WEST: Premier Sea Services Event San Diego

Innovation Showcase: Leveraging Commercial Intelligence (Room Hall B, 1400 Aisle)

03 Mar 20
2:15 PM - 2:35 PM

Tracks: Innovation Showcase

Commercial organizations have been growing in their capabilities to provide adversary-based cyber threat intelligence. A lot can be learned about how private companies are collecting, analyzing, and disseminating this intelligence to protect their networks. Threat Intelligence providers are researching attacks that are often targeting both commercial and government organizations.

This presentation will cover how commercial companies have developed advanced processes and leveraged new technologies to combat the attacks, and how it is used within security operations that the military can leverage. We will also cover how emerging security frameworks like MITRE ATT&CK can also be used to improve protection of assets on land and at sea. Threat Intelligence Platforms have become the centerpiece of security operations to combine intelligence, both internal and external; classified and unclassified.

See how ThreatQuotient is bringing together private and government intelligence, aligning them to the MITRE ATT&CK framework and making it actionable within networked environments.