Southwest Showcase 2020

General Opening Session (Room Hall 2)

29 Jan 20
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Session

Resilience Reset: It's Your Turn To Thrive

The ability to successfully navigate change, rise above adversity, and triumph in our lives boils down to one word: RESILIENCE. When faced with challenge, ambiguity, and adversity, those who practice resilience refuse to let fear hold them back, and they break through the barriers to not only survive but thrive. Learn how to cultivate courage, improve resilience, and triumph over adversity, obstacles, and setbacks. You’ll gain an understanding of the way to utilize brain-based strategies to improve emotional regulation and attention, and build grit to overcome self-defeating habits. Becoming an agent of your own change will help you conquer fear and self-doubt, while taking advantage of risk, change, and adversity to get back up faster and stronger. You’ll leave with resilience strategies that can be applied immediately in all aspects of your life to become bolder, stronger, and better able to handle anything thrown your way.