Southwest Showcase 2020

Could You Do Just One More Thing? (Room Meeting Room 2)

29 Jan 20
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Session

How do you set boundaries with demanding sponsors, important exhibitors, powerful board members, internal and external clients and others it’s hard to say no to? Frequently these are the people who are in a position to help you grow and advance in your organization – or not. It’s possible to deal with these requests while keeping a grip on your obligations and to-do list. Learn how to triage a request and determine the best plan of action based on the eternal dilemma of quick, cheap, or right. You will also hear about the five new resources to assist you when your “to do” list starts expanding. Establish clear goals and objectives, define the scope of the project and your responsibilities, and you will be able to control the extent of your obligations and evaluate your success.