IGES 2018

Super Gemstone Mix: $2.98 per lb

Squire Boone Village Super Gemstone Mix - lock in a great price until October 31, 2019! 

Any orders placed during the show receive great discounts that are locked in for a year! 

Our Super Mix is 100% Gemstones and range in price from 5/8" to 1.25". 

1-6 Cases: $4.25/lb ($127.50 per 30 lb bag)

7-16 Cases: 10% off! $3.83/lb ($114.90 per 30 lb bag)

17-33 Cases: 20% off! $3.40/lb ($102 per 30 lb bag)

34+ Cases: 30% off! $2.90/lb ($89.40 per 30 lb bag)