NADA 2019

NADA2019 Show Specials

Come by booth #7700W and find out how you can get a 90-day free trial of CBC's eZ Form-Fill or VantageScore 3.0
(some restrictions apply)

eZ Form-Fill
A first-of-it's-kind form fill application that upon submission instantly completes the credit application, returns a full credit report, will process Red Flags, OFAC, and Risk-Based Pricing, and do it all while requiring only 4 fields of consumer information. Never before has a credit application been able to deliver the power, speed, and accuracy, of CBC's eZ Form-Fill.

While VantageScore is not as common as FICO scores in the automotive space, it is gaining momentum across a broad variety of categories including consumer credit service companies like Credit Karma,, and dozens of others. Because of this trend, many consumers gauge their creditworthiness based on their VantageScore. We are hearing more and more that consumers come in with the expectation that they will receive financing based on a VantageScore.