
Jane Hutt

Jane Hutt
International Generator Technical Community

Ms. Hutt has worked in the power generation industry since 1996 and serves as the Webmaster and Site Manager of the International Generator Technical Community. Prior to semi-retirement in 2017, she also served as the Manager of Marketing and Communications Services for National Electric Coil, responsible for a wide variety of corporate technical media, both electronic and print. In 2009, she was one the original team involved with the design and implementation the International Generator Technical Community forum site. Previously, she worked in the Architect/Engineer sector of the construction industry and was involved as an editor and a public involvement‐communications specialist for major planning and regulatory contracts, including the 1993 revision of the Washington State Energy Code. Mrs. Hutt is a member of IEEE and ASME and is the outgoing chair of the ASME Power Division’s Turbines, Generators & Auxiliaries technical committee. She is a 2009 recipient of ASME’s Dedicated Service Award, one of the society’s highest‐level honors that can be awarded to non- engineering-degreed member. Mrs. Hutt holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Hawaii, receiving several professional awards for excellence and a post-graduate scholarship award.

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