
Martijn Duvoort

Martijn Duvoort
Head of Section Markets and Regulations

Martijn Duvoort is responsible for DNV GL's strategic services in the Benelux area. His Markets & Regulations section is specialized in assessing the functioning of energy markets and the position of individual players in their market environment. This is complemented by assisting clients to optimize their operations in the current market environment. Very often those strategical projects involve energy system modelling and quantitative analysis. In many of the section's projects, Martijn is not only passively involved as project sponsor, but rather active as project manager. He is equipped to play a leading role on a variety of subjects, e.g. market design, dispatch of renewables, portfolio control and electric mobility. Also, he is regularly used as moderator in decision support or roadmap workshops. With a Ph.D. in physics he combines an analytic mind with excellent communicative skills. He has a drive to make people enthusiastic and is geared towards maximizing the output of group sessions in a vibrant and energizing manner.

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