AUVSI's Unmanned Systems 2016


Jonathan Rupprecht

Jonathan Rupprecht
Drone Attorney and Flight Instructor
Rupprecht Law, P.A

New York Times, USA Today, Newsweek, Huffpost, Inc., Politico, NPR, Marketwatch, The Independent, & many other sources have cited or quoted Jonathan B. Rupprecht who is a drone lawyer & an FAA-certificated commercial pilot with single-engine, multi-engine, & instrument ratings. He is also an FAA-certificated airplane flight instructor & instrument flight instructor. He currently is a contributor to for Aerospace & Defense. The ABA has published a legal book on unmanned aircraft law that Jonathan co-authored with other drone attorneys called Unmanned Aircraft in the National Airspace: Critical Issues, Technology, & the Law. Jonathan wrote two chapters on administrative law, the FAA rule-making process, the special rule on unmanned aircraft, & a brief history of unmanned aircraft. Jonathan also authored another book called Drones: Their Many Civilian Uses & the U.S. Laws Surrounding Them. He was first an advisor for one of the amicus briefs for the highly publicized Huerta v. Pirker case. Jonathan worked with John Taylor on the three Taylor v. FAA cases which in May 2017 resulted in the Federal District Court of Appeals for D.C. striking down the FAA’s registration regulations. He also briefly helped on the Singer v. City of Newton which was the first federal district court case striking down a local drone law as preempted. He was one of the attorneys litigating the RaceDayQuads LLC case in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the FAA remote identification regulations. He has helped many businesses in setting up drone operations by obtaining 130+ waivers, 50+ airspace authorizations, 80+ exemptions, & 32 operating certificates. He’s assisted in litigation regarding civil & criminal defense cases involving drones. He is currently practicing law in South Florida at his firm Rupprecht Law, P.A. ( where he assists clients with exemptions, waivers, authorizations, FAA enforcement actions, & various other drone matters.

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