AUVSI's Unmanned Systems 2016


Tom Prevot

Tom Prevot
Associate Project Manager, Safe Autonomous Systems Operations (SASO)
NASA Ames Research Center

Dr Thomas Prevot is the Associate Project Manager of NASA’s Safe Autonomous Systems Operations (SASO) project. The goal of the project is to develop autonomy related concepts, technologies, and architectures that will increase efficiency, safety, and capacity of airspace operations. As head of the Airspace Operations Lab at NASA Ames Research Center and the simulation lead for NASA’s UAS Traffic Management (UTM) research, Tom is passionate about developing and evaluating future concepts and technologies for the air transportation system. Tom is the inventor, architect and development lead for NASA’s widely used air traffic simulation system, the Multi Aircraft Control System (MACS). He has been with NASA Ames Research Center since 1996 and has published over 100 conference and journal papers. Tom is a member of the Human Factors subcommittee of the Research, Engineering and Development Advisory Committee (REDAC) to the FAA. He earned his doctorate in aerospace engineering from the Munich University of the German Armed Forces in 1995.

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