2015 Annual Training Conference & Anti-Fraud Expo


Taya Fernandes

Taya Fernandes
Drug Diversion Analyst
Office of the Indiana Attorney General

Taya Fernandes is the Drug Diversion Analyst for the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit’s Prescription Drug Abuse Team,under the Office of Indiana Attorney General, Greg Zoeller. Fernandes graduated from Indiana University’s School of Informatics and Computing with a BS in New Media (2007), and took a position with INSPECT, Indiana’s prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP). She was employed with INSPECT from October 2007 until September 2013, most recently serving as the program’s Director. Fernandes received the 2009 Governor’s Public Service Award, the 2013 Digital Government Achievement Award, and the 2013 AIM Best of Boards award for work achieved with the PDMP. She began working in her current position with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit in January 2014. Fernandes has presented on the topics of prescription drug abuse and utilizing PDMP data at many healthcare and law enforcement trainings and national conferences, and has been a member of the Indiana Attorney General’s Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force since its inception in 2012. She served in the elected position of Secretary for the Indiana chapter of the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) from 2008 until June 2015, and was elected and currently serves as President of the Indiana NADDI chapter beginning July 1, 2015. Fernandes has been a Certified Professional of Health Information Technology (CPHIT) since 2009, and is currently working on completing a Masters of Health Informatics through Indiana University

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