2015 Global Identity Summit


Brian Zimmer

Brian Zimmer
Coalition for a Secure Driver's License

Brian Zimmer became President of the Coalition for a Secure Driver’s License (CSDL) in July, 2007. He directs the programs, activities and educational research of the Coalition and serves on the Board of Directors. He represents CSDL as a member of the Document Security Alliance and as Member of the Steering Committee of the American National Standards Institute ID Theft Prevention and ID Management Standards Panel. He is also an advisory board member of the Center for Identity Management & Information Protection of Utica College, New York. Mr. Zimmer has appeared on numerous national and regional media programs, including Anderson Cooper 360 and Lou Dobbs on topics concerning federal driver’s license regulations (REAL ID), requiring proof of lawful presence for foreign driver’s license applicants and driver’s license security during New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants controversy. While on the professional staff of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mr. Zimmer participated materially in the drafting and background research supporting numerous laws. Among these were the Real ID Act of 2005, the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004, the Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act of 2003, and the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002. His areas of expertise include the federal regulation of driver’s licenses; security standards for identity documents; use of terrorist watch lists for transportation access; issuance processes for visas, passports and personal identity verification cards; identity theft and identity fraud prevention; voter fraud and election system fraud and Help American Vote Act (HAVA) compliance; use of biometrics for law enforcement purposes, data security protection processes, and federal Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) that provide offender data to state and local law enforcement.

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