ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Kellie Kirksey

Kellie Kirksey
Holistic Psychotherapist
Cleveland Clinic Center for Integrative Medicine

Kellie Kirksey received her doctorate at The Ohio State University in Counselor Education and Psychology.  She is a licensed clinical counselor, a certified rehabilitation counselor and an approved clinical supervisor.  She has practiced and taught in the counseling field for more than 25 years and has focused her work in the area of multicultural counseling, social justice, integrative counseling and wellness.  She was previously Associate Professor of Counselor Education at Malone University in Ohio where she taught practicum, internship, group counseling, theories and cultural diversity. She is currently a Holistic Psychotherapist at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Integrative Medicine and focuses primarily on using holistic integrative methods such as hypnotherapy and meditation for health and wellness. She also has a part time clinical practice in Ohio.

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