ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Mark Franklin

Mark Franklin
practice leader

Mark Franklin,M.Ed.,P.Eng.,CMF, is co-founder of One Life Tools and practice leader of CareerCycles, a career management social enterprise. Mark and a team of Associates have helped 3500+ clients across North America become empowered and proactive in their careers and lives. Mark created the CareerCycles evidence-based narrative framework and method of practice, and has trained 350+ professionals in it. Mark co-authored the Who You Are Matters! career clarification game through a partnership in One Life Tools with Rich Feller. Mark hosts Career Buzz radio show (, and presents nationally and internationally (NCDA, Cannexus, Dutch career conference). He received the Stu Conger Leadership in Career Development Award in 2015, holds the Career Management Fellow designation through Institute of Career Certification International and is a Canadian Certified Counselor. Mark draws on his earlier engineering education and career to bring a systems-thinking, science-practitioner perspective to the career management field. Prior to founding CareerCycles, Mark helped thousands of post-secondary students connect the dots between their education and career, as a career counselor in two of Canada’s largest universities. Visit

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