ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Natasha Caverley

Natasha Caverley
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)

Natasha Caverley is currently the 2015—2017 President of the CCPA National Board of Directors. In particular, she continues to be interested in working with the CCPA Board of Directors in advancing the Association’s governance-related policy, planning and protocol development; building new organizational partnerships at the provincial and national levels; and promoting initiatives that support information sharing, networking and related extension opportunities for the CCPA membership. Natasha has a B.A (With Distinction) in Psychology, a M.Ed (Counselling Psychology) and a Ph.D in Organizational Studies from the University of Victoria. Since 1998, Dr. Caverley has held research and policy analyst and organizational development positions in Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal and public service organizations specializing in community facilitation and troubleshooting, management and organizational behaviour, including policy development, instrument design and analysis, and strategic planning. From 2001 to present, Natasha has been a member in good standing with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) holding a Canadian Certified Counsellor (C.C.C) designation—specializing in organizational behaviour, career counselling and development and multicultural counselling. Natasha is a multiracial Canadian of Irish, Jamaican and Algonquin ancestry.

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