ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Brittany Wilson

Brittany Wilson
Doctoral Candidate
University of North Texas

Brittany Wilson completed her Master’s degree in counseling at the University of West Virginia and is currently a fourth year doctoral candidate in the Counseling program at the University of North Texas. Brittany currently serves as a Leadership Intern for CSI International, as well as President of her local CSI chapter at the University of North Texas, Rho Kappa. Brittany’s primary research interest is play therapy, specifically with children exhibiting aggressive and disruptive behaviors. Brittany holds additional research interests in clinical supervision, and assessment. Brittany is currently in counseling practice at the Child and Family Resource Clinic (CFRC) where she serves as the Assistant Director of Clinical Services. In her role as Assistant Director, Brittany supervises masters’ level students completing their internship requirements. Additionally, Brittany is privileged to work with a wide range of client populations including children, adolescents, and adults.

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