ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Stephanie Burns

Stephanie Burns
Assistant Professor
Western Michigan University

Stephanie T. Burns, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at Western Michigan University in the Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology Department where she is the Director of the Clinical Mental Health Program. Dr. Burns is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Ohio and Michigan; a National Certified Counselor (NCC); and the chapter advisor for the Mu Beta Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota. She is co-chair of the Chi Sigma Iota Professional Advocacy Committee and is the inaugural Edwin L. Herr Fellow for Excellence in Counseling Leadership and Scholarship. Dr. Burns has published nine peer reviewed journal articles on counseling, presented at state, regional, and national counseling association conferences, provided CEU training workshops, and has served on local, state, and national counseling association committees. Her research areas of interest include student learning outcomes, counselor professional identity, the psychometrics of career interest inventories, career development, neurofeedback, counseling outcomes, program evaluation, and supervision. Her counseling honors over the last three years have included two local and seven national awards.

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