ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Laura Shannonhouse

Laura Shannonhouse
Assistant Professor
Georgia State University

Dr. Shannonhouse has 8 peer reviewed manuscripts, 25 refereed international, national, and regional presentations, and 8 research and best practice grants related to clinical outreach and multiculturalism in counseling.  She received the 2011 Courtland C. Lee Multicultural Excellence Scholarship Award from the American Counseling Association (ACA) for work that demonstrated excellence in the theory and practice of Multicultural Counseling.  Examples of her clinical outreach include 7 clinical outreaches: (a) AMCD & ACES sponsored outreaches in Southern Africa/Botswana in both 2007 and 2009 (illness-related trauma counseling), (b) responded to a daycare center fire disaster in Hermosillo, Mexico in 2010 (49 children died, and >60 injured in this tragedy), (c) provided services to Haitian refugees living in Orlando and Miami post-earthquake in 2009, (d) provided services to post-Katrina teachers in New Orleans in 2006, (e) co-taught study abroad course in Costa Rica (responded to Nicaraguan refugees) in 2011, etc.  She was a past CSI International intern, helped organize an international conference for AMCD in Botswana, is a past co-chair of the CSI International Community Engagement Committee, and is currently the membership chair for AMCD.  She is also a Licensed Professional Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Trainer.

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