ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo


Lori Russell-Chapin

Lori Russell-Chapin
Palliative Care Counselor
OSF St. Francis Medical Center

Lori A. Russell-Chapin, PhD, NCC, CCMHC, LCPC, BCN is a Professor of Counselor Education at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. Lori earned a Ph.D. in Counselor Education from the University of Wyoming and a Master’s in Counselor Education from Eastern Montana College. Currently Dr. Russell-Chapin teaches graduate counseling courses in their campus-based and online brain-based Master’s programs. She co-directs the Center for Collaborative Brain Research, a partnership among Bradley University, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center and the Illinois Neurological Institute. Lori has authored and co-authored seven books ranging in topics from practicum/internship, supervision to neurotherapy and neurofeedback. Lori is the chair of the ACA Neurocounseling Interest Network and co-editor of the monthly column in Counseling Today entitled Neurocounseling: Bridging Brain and Behavior. Lori edits the monthly newspaper for AMHCA, the Advocate. She is an award-winning researcher and teacher at Bradley and the recipient of the AMHCA Outstanding Counselor Educator of the Year.

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