MGMA 2017 Annual Conference


Susan Whitney

Susan Whitney
Senior Content Manager

Susan Whitney, CPC, CPC-I, is a Senior Content Manager at the Medical Group Management Association, MGMA. Susan has over 30 years of experience specializing in medical coding and revenue cycle management. She was a Senior Director of Coding and Educational Services as well as a Provider Education Director for a Denver-based consulting firm from 2000 to 2012. Before joining MGMA, Susan was the Coding & and Compliance Manager at Panorama Orthopedics & Spine Center in Golden, Colo. As a certified coding instructor through the American Academy of Professional Coders, AAPC, Susan provides her students with the most comprehensive and complete coding information to prepare them for the CPC certification examination and a career in Medical Coding. Susan regularly provides chart audits for medical providers across multiple specialties and has represented physician groups by providing Independent Reviews as an Independent Review Organization (IRO) as defined by the Office of Inspector General (OIG). Susan has extensive knowledge and provides a hands-on approach to coding, billing and provider documentation improvement. She also speaks on these topics to local and national organizations, hospital systems, and physician practices using real-life data and examples with a knack of engaging the audience with “I know how you feel, I’ve been there too.” Susan is credentialed and a Certified Coder and Instructor as well as an ICD-10 Certified Trainer.

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