MGMA 2017 Annual Conference


Joel Kahn

Joel Kahn
Chief Medical Officer

Joel Kahn is the Chief Operating Officer & Chief Medical Officer of eMindful. He is a respected leader in the health and technology sector with a well-rounded background that includes large and small companies. Prior to eMindful he was the Executive Vice-President and CIO of WorldCare International Inc. where he oversaw all telemedicine operations, business development and strategic planning. He has also held positions as President of the WorldCare Global Health Plan Ltd an innovative global insurance program. Other experience includes being the Executive Vice-President, Chief Medical Officer and a founding member of InteliHealth a two-time Webby award winning health portal that was a joint venture of Aetna – U.S. Health and Johns Hopkins Medicine. He also served as General Manager of and was head of product development for Healthcare Data Interchange Corporation, the EDI subsidiary of U.S. Healthcare where he developed the first standards for interfacing an EMR to an insurance company. Dr. Kahn graduated from Wesleyan University, received his medical degree at Jefferson Medical College and did a fellowship in Medical Informatics at Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard University.

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