DISTRIBUTECH International 2020


Remi Demerle

Remi Demerle
Director of Business Development and LoRaWAN Ambassador

Helping companies to connect things with wireless connectivity and to enable benefits of the digital transformation have been a continuous focus of Rémi DEMERLE in his professional career of 22 years long in the ICT industry. Today, as marketing director at SEMTECH. for the vertical market of smart utilities, Rémi keeps evangelizing and promoting LoRa technology for the benefit of a large ecosystem. After a start in Internet and communication technologies as principal consultant at Wavestone and Hewlett Packard, to the leading responsibility of the important vertical market for LoRa at SEMTECH, with marketing and sales jobs in the semiconductor and wireless industry, with RENESAS and SIERRA WIRELESS, plus 7 years in mobile telecoms with the Nordic operator TELENOR as Partnerships director, Rémi accumulated several experiences in the lead of marketing and business development for the Internet of Things and gained expertise in the automotive and trucks industries , in road charging, and car telematics where he authored several articles. More recently he became expert for LoRa in the smart metering applications and started to promote new ideas for a global distribution and better protection of the water resource Rémi is leading for the LoRa Alliance as well the marketing development of the vertical of utilities. Rémi has a Master of Science degree in Electronics, Networks and Telecommunications from the National Institute of Polytechnique of Grenoble (INPG) in France.

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