WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference


Josephine Catanzaro

Josephine Catanzaro
WOC Clinical Nurse Specialist
Drexel University Dept of Surgery

Jo Catanzaro has been in active WOC Nursing practice since 1994 in a Clinical Nurse Specialist role. She obtained her BSN from Thomas Jefferson University in 1974. In 1986 she earned her Masters of Science in Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania also in Philadelphia after completion of the Adult Health and Illness Program, Critical Care Track. During her graduate study, a presentation on the physiology of wound healing sparked Jo’s interest in wound care and she attended the Wick’s Program WOCNEP in 1994. Since then, Jo has practiced in both Acute and Outpatient settings as a clinician and manager. From 1998 through 2012, Jo was Co-Director of the LaSalle University WOCNEP with Dr. Janice Beitz and is currently partnered with Dr. Beitz and Dr. Kevin Emmons as the Co-Director of the WOCNEP at Rutgers University in Camden NJ. In her current wound /ostomy clinical practice, Jo works with colorectal surgeon Dr. David Stein MD, Chief of Surgery at Drexel University as well as Dr. Michael Weingarten MD, in vascular surgery and wound care.

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