WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference


Linda Pasto

Linda Pasto
Professor Emeritus
Tompkins-Cortland Community College

12 years ago I was dying from Crohn's disease complications. As a nurse I knew how sick I was. Since my ostomy surgery I have regained my health and my life. I felt I had been given a gift and have spent the last 12 years working towards achieving that. I have successfully lost and kept off 150 pounds but brings a daily challenge of food choices which are not all ostomy friendly. I have been recognized for my challenges with being selected as a Great Comebacks awardee. I have lobbied on Capital Hill and my state capital of Albany for ostomates needs and rights. I was able to successfully help lobby to get legislation passed in New York requiring insurance companies to provide ostomy supplies that also cover ostomy surgery. I serve as a hospital visitor for new ostomates helping them see what life is like after surgery. I travel extensively and have had ostomy challenges but choose to work through them rather than stay home. Kayaking, zip lining, white water rafting, running 5Ks and hiking are some of the experiences I have had. But the biggest gift has been the chance to become a grandmother to five, raising one of them in my retirement. Life is precious and never to be taken for granted.

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