WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference


Dea Kent

Dea Kent
Director, Nurse Practitioner Program
Indiana University Kokomo

In a career spanning 35 years, Dr. Dea Kent has innovated clinical programs and has served as a mentor to many nurses. Dr. Kent has practiced as a board-certified Nurse Practitioner for 18 years, is a tri-specialty board-certified WOC Nurse, and is currently the Director of the Nurse Practitioner Program at Indiana University-Kokomo. Dr. Kent was awarded the WOCN President’s Award in 2019 for work on the Body Worn Absorbent Products task force, consensus panel and decision support tool with a wonderful group of colleagues. She has been a Society member for 23 years, and is a Past-President of WOCN. She is a graduate of the Emory WOCNEP.

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