Energy Drone Summit 2017


Christine Asaro

Christine Asaro
Project Advisor, UAS Program
San Diego Gas & Electric

Christine Asaro began her employment with San Diego Gas & Electric in March 2002. In her 15 years of employment she has held many roles and is currently the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Project Advisor for SDG&E. In her role as UAS project advisor which she began in June 2013, she was part of the team who was the first in the nation to gain FAA airspace to test small UASs for commercial operations. Later that year, the team was granted FAA Section 333 approval which would allow SDG&E to use small UAS in their day to day operations as seen fit, in certain airspaces. Christine was successful in gathering 21 use cases, companywide, where small UASs could be utilized as an everyday tool. She also assisted in field testing various systems to ensure the correct small UAS were purchased. Today, Christine is currently a FAA remote pilot for small unmanned aircraft systems as well as a systems trainer with SDG&E Aviation Services department.

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